Breaking Up Advice

“I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me - I’m going to smile.”
- Anonymous
It’s sad to have a breakup, but the saddest thing is perhaps the innate feeling which comes with it, that no matter what, you have to move on. But as soon as you try to stand up again you find yourself too weak to do so. The harm has been done, so how to get rid of it. Well, everybody has to move on and all of us do move on; it’s just that different people take different amount time to do so. It totally depends on you, that how much time you want to spend brooding over the past. But, it will do little good and it is best to move on as early as possible. This article will help you get past a relationship, but you need to be willing enough.
Dealing With Breakup
- Always remember, “Whatever happens; happens for a reason.” So no need crying over the spilled milk, though we completely agree that it is much easier said than done. But you have to start everything all over once again. Though we know that philosophical phrases after a recent breakup sound like sermons, but you have to initiate yourself into getting over your past relationship.
- One of the few options which work after a breakup is a break. Yes, getting a break from the routine life will really be soothing and refreshing. But keep in mind not to isolate yourself. Go out with close friends or relatives with whom you like spending time but haven’t done so in the recent past. They will surely be able to boost your morale. Visit some new places and surroundings as it works miracles for a stressed mind.
- Make some positive changes in your life and if possible indulge yourself a little (or a lot if you want so). Get that haircut you always wanted to have but could not because your ex thought it to be too bold. Treat yourself in a spa, taste wines and cheese if you are a foodie. Play golf, go hiking, or scuba diving. These activities will surely spice up your mood and you will surely develop a positive outlook towards the life.
- If you are ok with your ex being a part of your life then it’ fine. But if your breakup was not on cordial terms then it’s advisable that you maintain a distance from him/her. As it will be difficult for you to let things go and curb those emotions with your ex at close proximity.
- Start interacting with a number of people, the more the merrier. This is also a therapeutic exercise which will help you get over your past relationship. Attend as many functions and gatherings as possible. This will widen your social circle. Though we know that this will be really difficult for you but you need to be a little tough during this time.
- Even if it seems right and seamlessly logical, don’t ever speak out your emotions before your ex. Because at times you will be alone and will feel like going back to your ex, but it will do no good as your relationship is anyways over. Going back to it again and again will make you vulnerable and things will turn worst.
- Think of all the problems and low points of your relationship. Try not to think of the good things as the good things are hard to forget but were momentary. Those were the bad and the cruel things which broke your relationship.
It is always good to think over a relationship till you haven’t lost it. After that it is commendable if you choose the right path to tread, else, your future will rest in a winding oblivion.
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