Dating Anniversary Gifts

It’s been a long time you are in a relation with him/her. Remember the time you first saw her/him and s/he took your breath away. You remember that unforgettable nervousness of early days, those mesmerizing surprises, silly fights, and naughty talks; all of them are very close to your heart. The fragrance of initial days soon builds the trust and mutuality between the two of you. Earlier, s/he used to tease you by pretending to like some other guy/girl. But, with time you know that s/he’s all yours and that no one can you’re your place in her/his life. You have shared all good and bad times and it’s been a year together. Calendar is going to mark the day when you proposed to your loved one. On this anniversary, do some homework beforehand to make him/her feel special and restore the feeling of first sight. Following are the tips you can utilize on this anniversary. Add an extra effort to add personalised touch to our ideas and make the day most memorable one for him/her.
Dating Anniversary Gift Ideas
Spend Some Time Together It’s not about money but it’s about the time and efforts you put in to make your anniversary special. The first gift is your time. Someone has rightly said, ‘Time is the most precious gift as you can not get it back.’ What can be more delightful for your beloved than to spend quality time with you? And when it comes to anniversary you must get some time out of your busy schedule to celebrate the day.
Write a Love Letter Living in the technologically advanced era, you might feel it awkward to express your love through a love letter. But, give it a second thought. When did you write a love letter for her/him last time? Probably never! Many of us take it as an outdated idea. Well, keep in mind that old is gold. Understand the fact that most of the unsaid feelings get better expressed through the mode of writing. They make a powerful impact and your beloved will love you more when you let your thoughts and emotions flow unceasingly on a piece of paper.
Picture Collage Prepare a collage according to the theme of your partner’s choice. Collect the pictures where you are together, and also individual ones, capturing different moods. Put them in random manner on a piece of chart paper with a cute message for your partner. It will take some extra efforts, time and mental exercise for you, but it will really make her/him delighted. And who wouldn’t appreciate such lovely efforts; so be ready to receive a shower of love in return.
Personalised Handmade gifts Every one of us wants special treatment, at least from that someone special. The same is true for your beloved. On this anniversary embrace him/her with your handmade gifts. You can decorate a T-Shirt with a message. Try to make a bouquet with you partner’s favourite flowers, or phrase poetic notes about how lucky you feel to have her/him in your life.
Extensive Research for Your Partner’s Preferences Before planning for anniversary gifts take care of your partner’s tastes and preferences. You will not get an idea about them in an instant; so go for extensive research and plan some days before the occasion. S/he will feel privileged when you go an extra mile to choose anniversary gift for her/him.
Chocolates and Flowers Chocolates and flowers are the irreplaceable gifts which will definitely bring an everlasting smile on your partner’s face. They provide you the cutest way to celebrate your anniversary. If you are not certain about the choice of your beloved, play safe by gifting these items. You can also add a card expressing your love for your partner. Try not to go for artificial cards. Select those cards which have messages that both of you can relate to.
To conclude, it is your anniversary which you should make special by planning for it beforehand. Don’t forget to take care of your partner’s plans and choices; be flexible to make amendments in the plans as per the requirement of your partner.