Romantic Ways To Propose Marriage

So, you have found The One. Congratulations! Not to scare you or anything, but have you thought about how you are going to propose to her? You know, she’s probably, almost certainly, yes she will, be going to talk about it for years to come, or not, depending on how it all goes. It’s one story that she, and you as well, would want to narrate to friends, strangers, and kids to get the ‘awww’s…’ on each occasion you do that. There’s no harm in it; it will help reassure that it was romantic and worth memorizing. No harm in feeling good about something that important to you, is there? Nope, and that’s why you need to come up with a way (to propose of course) that will sweep her right off the feet and will make her say ‘Yes, a thousand times Yes’. Below, we have mentioned some romantic ways to propose marriage. However, be sure that she does want to get married and the two of you have talked about it often. Here we go!
The Classic Proposal
Nothing can beat the classic marriage proposal. Getting down on one knee, holding the ring, and proposing to the girl whom you want to spend rest of your life with. Multiple ways to do this but none has quite the charm as the private confrontation, or confession. You can do it in your home or hers, with brightly lit scented candles enchanting the scene. Or you can drive her up to a romantic location (quiet & not crowded), pop open a bottle of champagne and hold out the ring. Or in any other way you find most romantic, using the classic getting down on one knee ploy.
The Theatrical Proposal Take her to a theatre to watch a romantic play. But, arrange things with the manager of the place if you could be allowed to propose to your girlfriend at the end of it. If granted, a few minutes before the play is about to finish; move backstage. Get everything in place and then when the curtain falls get on with your show. Without revealing yourself, from behind the curtains, build up to the marriage proposal. And at very moment, let the curtain open, revealing you holding a rose and the wedding ring, followed by the proposal.
The First Date Proposal Don’t start getting any ideas, for it doesn’t mean pop out the question on the very first date. What we are getting at is that if you are able to recreate the setting of your first date together, with as many things in place as were there then, then it will be like the most romantic proposal ever. The effort that will go in resurrecting the past will surely be appreciated by your girlfriend and will bring back many happy memories. Most importantly, it will show to her that each bit of your relation is special to you. Don’t tell her the reason until the end of the date and then, let the cat out of the bag.
The Valentine’s Day Proposal Yes, why not propose on the most romantic day of the year, with roses, chocolates, love bugs, teddies, and cupids to give you company. Here’s how you need to do it. Plan whole of the day with romantic things to do: start with greeting her with Valentine’s roses & chocolates, and then taking her away on a quiet drive away to some serene location (picnic basket packed with eateries and different types of wines), a romantic movie in the evening (probably), and then finally closing in with a nice quiet dinner at her favourite place. Just before dinner, or after, the violinists can come in and play the song (and sing) – ‘Will you be my valentine for life?’ And then, finally, you can take out the ring and ask her yourself.
The Treasure Hunt Proposal It’s a mystery which, when solved by your girlfriend, will find the surprise of her life, a pleasant one, as a reward – you. Make the rules but keep them simple. For example, you can have ‘something old’, ‘something new’, ‘something borrowed’, and ‘something blue’, each hidden at four different locations, and the first leading to the other in the same sequence. When she’s able to find ‘something blue’, the next clue will take her to the next location where, you will be waiting for her on one knee with a bouquet of her favourite flowers and a ring for her precious finger. However, make sure all the four things are not too obvious that she is able to guess midway. Let the suspense carry her till the very last.
These, are among a few of the best ways to propose marriage. Imagination is an animal best left free. Now that you have read these, using your mind’s eyes, you may be able to see a whole other ways to propose.
Due to the fact that Yahweh(God) created magiarre, the ring has no purpose for proposal, but it does once married. The engagement of two people should never be materialistic, it should be about love, not items. Alot of people love with their hearts, not with how much money he or she makes, or the kind of car they drive. The love is genuine, and when this is so, it doesn’t matter if he or she has a ring when one asks the other to be a partner in their lives for eternity. Although, I did give my wife to be a ring, I feel that If one thinks that the ring is more important than the engagement, their heart isn’t in the right place anyway, and it won’t last. Just my opinion.